Manuscript Consultant
Book Doula
schedule of services
email mira.ptacin (at) gmail (dot) com to schedule a free 15 min consult
Option 1: Literary Breakthrough Consulting
90 minute personal conference to discuss goals and strategies, benchmarks and pitfalls, as well as craft, technique, and composition. Process includes:
Pre-session survey and review (form will be sent)
90 minute on camera consulting session (recorded)
Post-session summary and “prescription” of next steps for mentee
(Most) reading materials and access to literary community resources
Does not include manuscript reviews (see Options below)
Option 3:
The Glow-uP 1
One round of “big picture” manuscript editing. Includes:
One round of detailed editorial review (written summary) of your manuscript.
Feedback and diagnosis will include big-picture oversight, character development suggestions, structural suggestions, and general comments.
Editor will schedule a video or phone call to discuss the manuscript after first read.
After revision, if applicable, editor help with composing a query letter and assisting author in submitting manuscript to literary agents.
Editor/Mira & Author/You will negotiate timing that is mutually beneficial.
option 5:
Book proposal
Mira will submit to mentee an overview of what a book proposal consists of and what makes it work, as well as "assignments" and deadlines for mentee.
Mentee will compose and submit five (5) “packets” of compositions of book proposal materials: overview, summary, sample chapter, and comparative titles + marketing plan to Mira
Mira will give written feedback and diagnosis that will include big-picture oversight, development suggestions, structural suggestions, and general comments via email in letter form to mentee in response.
Mira will be available for up to four (4) 45-60 minute consultations via zooms.
Mira will also do bi-monthly check-ins so that mentee never feels adrift in this process.
Mira will also provide reading materials and sample book proposals to mentee for guidance and support.
Once the book proposal is complete, Mira will help mentee compose an agent query and assist in pitching agents for representation.
Option 2:
Semester with
Modeled after the “low-residency MFA” structure, mentee will have a 13-week one-on-one semester with Mira. Over the course of this semester, mentee will:
Submit four (4) “packets” of compositions (chapter drafts, essays, prose, etc up to 9k word count), where Mira will give written feedback and diagnosis that will include big-picture oversight, character development suggestions, structural suggestions, and general comments via email in letter form
Mentor will be available for up to four (4) 45-60 minute consultations via zoom (or in-person, if possible) during the semester
Mentor will also do bi-monthly check-ins so that student never feels adrift
Mentor will also provide reading materials and access to literary community resources
option 4:
The Glow-up 2
Two rounds of “big picture” manuscript editing. Includes:
One round of detailed editorial review (written summary) of your manuscript.
Feedback and diagnosis will include big-picture oversight, character development suggestions, structural suggestions, and general comments.
Editor will schedule a video or phone call to discuss the manuscript after first read.
After revision, editor will read and provide feedback to revised draft.
If applicable, editor help with composing a query letter and assisting author in submitting manuscript to literary agents.
Editor/Mira & Author/You will negotiate timing that is mutually beneficial.